The Most Commonly Replaced Vacuum Parts

Vacuum repair in Calgary may be preferable to accepting that it’s time to buy a new one. Although some people say you can replace broken parts on your current machine instead of buying a whole new one, this is not always an economical or satisfactory solution. The most commonly replaced vacuum parts deal with moving the dirt and debris around the machine and into the bag or canister.

What Are the Most Common Vacuum Repair & Replacement Parts in Calgary?

Vacuum Cleaner Belt

The vacuum cleaner belt is one of the most commonly replaced parts, as it tends to wear out over time. It is responsible for connecting the motor to the brush roll, so if it breaks or slips, it can cause the machine to work improperly. 

Brush Roll

The vacuum cleaner brush roll is also a fairly common replacement part, as the bristles wear down over time. Some machines have knobs or buttons that make removing and replacing these parts easy, while others require you to manually hold them in place while you rethread the belt.

Airway Clearance

Another very commonly replaced vacuum component is the airway clearance. This part is responsible for getting rid of the dirt and debris that accumulates in the hose and tubes, and it can easily become clogged over time. When this happens, the vacuum cleaner will not pick up dirt as effectively.

Dust Cup/ Bag

Finally, the dust cup or bag also needs to be replaced regularly, as it eventually becomes full of dirt and debris. This part can affect the vacuum cleaner’s performance and can also be a health hazard if not replaced often enough.

So, if you are experiencing problems with your current vacuum cleaner, it is likely that one or more of these parts will need to be replaced. By knowing which parts are most commonly replaced, you can be prepared to make the necessary repairs or replacements when the time comes.

If you are experiencing problems with your current vacuum cleaner, one or more of these parts will likely need to be replaced. By knowing which parts are most commonly replaced, you can be prepared to make the necessary vacuum repairs in Calgary or replacements when the time comes.

Why Do Vacuum Cleaner Parts Need Replacement?

If you’re experiencing problems with your vacuum cleaner, one or more of the above parts will likely need to be replaced. By knowing which parts are most commonly replaced, you can plan for the necessary repairs or replacements when the time comes.

When Do I Need To Replace A Belt?


Once a vacuum belt has broken or come loose, it will likely need to be replaced or go through vacuum repair in Calgary. Belts usually need to be replaced every 6 to 12 months, depending on how often the vacuum is used.

How Do I Know If The Brush Roll Needs Replacing?

When bristles on the brush roll have worn down, the roll will likely need to be replaced. If you have a vacuum with a knob to turn the brush roll off and on, check that the bristles are facing up, not down. If they’re turned down, tighten it by turning the knob back in the other direction.

When Do I Need To Replace An Airway Clearance?

The airway clearance is responsible for removing the dirt and debris that accumulates in the hose and tubes. It’s a common replacement part to need if the vacuum isn’t picking up dirt as effectively.

How Do I Know When It’s Time To Replace The Dust Cup Or Bag?

The dust cup or bag will likely need replacing if it becomes full of dirt and debris. This can affect the vacuum cleaner’s performance and can also be a health hazard if not replaced often enough. Most vacuums have indicators to let you know when it’s time to replace the dust cup or bag.

A Review of the Vacuum Replacement Part Timelines

Belt: 6 to 12 months

Brush roll: As needed

Airway clearance: As needed

Dust cup or bag: Indicators will tell you when it’s time to replace. Typically every 3 to 6 months, but it also depends on how often the vacuum is used.

At The Vacuum District, we are dedicated to bringing you the best products to clean your home, and our professionals will do their best to do any repairs and recommend the best products! Contact us today at (403) 454-4822 or send an email to [email protected]

What To Do If Your Vacuum Leaks

You rely on your vacuum cleaner to pick up the dirt and dust that accumulates in your home. But what do you do when your trusty vacuum cleaner begins to break down, and you notice a leak in the hose? You’ll notice the vacuum doesn’t have as much suction power, leaving dirt on your floor that would usually get sucked up by your vacuum. Should you take it for professional vacuum repair in Calgary or buy replacement vacuum parts?

In today’s post, we discuss what to do if your vacuum leaks.

Vacuum Repair For Leaks

Identifying Leaks

Most vacuum leaks appear on the hose, as they can crack and tear over time. But how do you know if you have a leaky hose or a faulty vacuum? Here are the three most common indications that your vacuum has a leak:

  • The air seems dusty while the vacuum is in use
  • Reduced dirt collection in the vacuum cup or bag
  • Loss of suction

Once you know there’s a leak, you need to find it. You will usually be able to find the leak by running your fingers up and down the surface of the hose. You are searching for a bump, rough spot, or slit. If you can’t find the leak with your fingers, you can remove the hose and fill it with water. You should be able to find the leak by watching to see where water leaks out.

Repairman repairing of vacuum cleaner

Repairing Leaks

If you’re into DIY, you can repair the leaky hose yourself. Fortunately, fixing a leak in a vacuum hose is fairly simple. For leaks located near the end of the hose, you can use a utility knife to slice off the end of the hose (the part that had the leak). As long you keep the plastic connector, you can put the connector on the freshly cut end.

If the leak is located in the middle of the hose, clean the area well and let it dry. Then all you need to do is cover the leak with some duct tape.

Repair or Replace?

Fixing up your leaky vacuum is the most cost-effective way to get your vacuum cleaner back to sucking up dust at full capacity, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best option. Home repairs are quick and easy, but you can’t guarantee how long your DIY vacuum repairs will last. You always have the option to buy a replacement hose or a new vacuum at a vacuum store in Calgary.

At The Vacuum District, we are dedicated to bringing you the best products to clean your home, and our professionals will do their best to do any repairs and recommend the best products! Contact us today at (403) 454-4822 or send an email to [email protected].

How To Fix A Vacuum Leak

Whenever cleaning day rolls around, there’s a good chance that your vacuum cleaner will be the star of the show. However, if there’s a leak in your vacuum, you may as well switch to using the old broom-and-dustpan method. Vacuums rely on their components remaining air-tight in order to trap dirt and dust; if this fails, it’ll feel like you’re simply dispersing the dirt, rather than cleaning anything.


It can be pricey to replace vacuums, so it might be worth trying to fix the leak yourself before running out to the store. Let’s look at how you can repair your vacuum cleaner.

3 Steps To Fixing A Vacuum Leak


  1. Confirm You Have A Leak

This may seem silly, but sometimes what you believe to be leaks can actually be clogs in the vacuum. Finding that you’re collecting less dirt in your vacuum cup or bag can be a sign of either problem. However, if you notice that the air is a little dustier when you vacuum or notice a loss of suction, then it is likely a leak.


  1. Find The Leak

Odds are, the leak will be found in your hose. Sometimes they get stretched too far or get bent out of shape. Other times, they simply get old and brittle. 


Start by running your fingers over the hose, feeling for any unusual bumps or slits that could indicate a leak. If you think you’ve located the source of the leak, simply turn your vacuum on and place your finger over the suspected leak. You should feel air moving through the slit, indicating that the seal has been compromised in that spot.

node in a flexible plastic tube XXXL

If you can’t find the leak this way, remove the hose from the rest of the vacuum. This may be more tricky with upright vacuums, as the hose is connected to the canister. You may need to grab a screwdriver and remove the panel that covers the hose coupling. Don’t hesitate to turn to your owner’s manual in such a case, as you don’t want to further the extent of the damage.


Next, hold the hose over a sink or bathtub and pour water into it. Hold both ends of the hose up, allowing it to make a U-shape. Slowly slide the water around the hose, watching for any drips. As soon as you see water sneaking out of the hose, you know you’ve found your leak.


  1. Patch The Hose

Interestingly enough, the most reliable way to repair a vacuum leak is the tried and true method of using duct tape, particularly if the leak is in the centre of the hose.

To get a good seal, take the time to wipe down the part of the hose you intend to patch. Using warm, soapy water should do the trick. Grime on the vacuum hose may decrease how well the tape will stick.


Next, stretch out the hose as much as you can without damaging it to reduce the severity of the grooves. Then place the duct tape on.


Finally, sprinkle a little bit of cornstarch on the floor and vacuum it up. The cornstarch will stick to the small area of duct tape that is exposed on the inside of the hose. This way, the tape will have a neutral coating and prevent hair from sticking to the inside, thus clogging it up.


This is ultimately a short-term fix, allowing you time to find alternative solutions. There are professional vacuum repair companies in Calgary that can help replace the hose, which may be a less expensive alternative to simply buying a new vacuum altogether. But in the meantime, good luck and happy cleaning!


At The Vacuum District, we are dedicated to bringing you the best products to clean your home, and our professionals will do their best to do any repairs and recommend the best products! Contact us today at (403) 454-4822 or send an email to [email protected].

The Cost Of A Central Vacuum System In Calgary

Choosing a central vacuum system for your home ultimately depends on what you’re looking for and what you can afford. Having an in-depth understanding of the factors that can impact a central vacuum cost can help you choose the best model for your home.

Let’s take a look at these factors below: 

Factors That Impact The Cost of Central Vacuums 

  • The Brand of the Vacuum Specific brands and manufacturers are better than others in terms of value, efficiency and quality. That means you’ll have to pay more for them. However, you are getting a better quality unit that works better and lasts longer. 
  • The Type of Unit – There are numerous types of units available, each with its pros and cons. Depending on what you choose, it will impact the final cost of the project. 
Girl doing house work
  • The Installation of the Unit – You cannot install the central vacuum yourself, as much as you would like to. You’re going to need a professional to do the job for you, which will set you back in terms of installation and labour fees. It’s best to find a Calgary vacuum store that offers the product and installation services, as you’ll be able to get yourself a package deal. 
  • The Accessories You Need – You might find that you need specific accessories to help clean your house. These attachments, such as for steam cleaning or carpet cleaning, are added fees that will cost more as they would be specific to your needs. You should also consider spare parts that you might need. 
  • The Maintenance Required – Although not part of the initial outlay, you should consider how often you need to make repairs for the unit and the maintenance level required. That way, you know what to pay for in the future. 

The Average Cost of Central Vacuums in Calgary

Unless you speak directly to an expert and look at each model, it can be difficult to determine the cost of a central vacuum in Calgary. Our research did highlight some important numbers: 

Home Advisor states that it costs between “$1,143 – $2,204” for a central vacuum, while Improvenet offers similar numbers, saying that the average cost range is “$1,341 to $1,904”, with the median cost being $1,635. 

: At The Vacuum District, we are dedicated to bringing you the best products to clean your home, and our professionals will do their best to do any repairs and recommend the best products! Contact us today at (403) 454-4822 or send an email to [email protected].

Best Central Vacuum Troubleshooting Tips

Your central vacuum causing you grief? Not working as it should? Before you run off and panic, you can take some time to inspect the unit itself. Doing so, can save time and money, eliminating potential problems and getting you back to cleaning your home. 

Here are some easy troubleshooting tips that can help you with your central vacuum. 

Central Vacuum Troubleshooting Tips 

Check the Motor & The Brush 

In many cases, the motor of your central vacuum is the reason why it is not working properly. Check it and see how it is operating. If you notice that it is “dry”, it might need some oil or lubrication to get rolling again. If you notice that it is not working at all, then you’ll need vacuum repair in Calgary to handle it. 

The same applies with the brush; if it is not working, you might have to clean it thoroughly, or replace it completely to ensure it works as it should. 

Change or Clean the Filters

Filters are key to a lot of issues that arise with central vacuum systems. Whether because they are blocked with dirt or overused, filters can stop your unit operating as expected. Therefore, it makes sense that you have to clean them or change them often. 

When it comes to cleaning your filter, empty the canister, or if your system has filter bags, you’ll need to remember to replace them. To clean the reusable central vac filters, use soap and water, and then allow the filters to dry before putting them back in the vacuum.

Vacuum Cleaner/Appliance Repair Background

Check to see if it is completely clean before proceeding with your cleaning. 

It is recommended that you replace your filters about two to four times a year. This will depend though on your system and unit. 

Remove Clogs and Dirt

Sticky or moist substances can clog up your system, resulting in issues. The best way to go about fixing this is simple: remove it! 

Just feed a cloth into the hose while the central vacuum is running, and then let the cloth come out the other end. You can also “reverse direction” the hose and put the cloth through the other end. This should wipe through all the debris that has accumulated, giving you a smoother central vacuum unit. 

If you’re really having trouble, you can contact a professional to remove clogs as well.

Schedule Regular Inspections

Booking in consistent appointments with your vacuum store in Calgary can ensure that you always have a perfectly running system. 

Experts will always know exactly what your central vacuum needs, and prepare it for any potential problems in the future. In general, there are some maintenance tasks that only professionals can do.

Overall, by going to an expert, this will save you more in repairs and time than you think. 

At The Vacuum District, we are dedicated to bringing you the best products to clean your home, and our professionals will do their best to do any repairs and recommend the best products! Contact us today at (403) 454-4822 or send an email to [email protected]

How to Unclog a Central Vacuum

The ease of cleaning and maintenance that vacuums bring is excellent. We enjoy clean floors, furniture and other areas thanks to these high suction devices. Plus, there is always something new to enjoy in this industry, from bagless stand-up vacuums to cordless Dyson vacuums.

Though, vacuums are like every other piece of machinery. They will wear over time. Parts will need to be replaced. Luckily, vacuum repair in Calgary is often simple and easy, especially with the help of your local experts. To that end, we describe the best ways to unclog your central vacuum down below.


Ways to Unclog Your Central Vacuum

The Suction Clog

Central vacuums differ from standard standing vacuums in that multiple wall inlets can be used to access the system. Therefore, the first step in fixing your clog is finding its origins. Check each wall inlet for a loss of suction capability, looking for the weakest one. 

Once you have found the wall inlet with the least suction, cover the end of the hose with your palm. Allow the pressure to build for a few seconds, and then release the vacuum’s end from your palm. This should remove the blockage. But, if it does not, repeat the process several times. 

The Hose Clog

Occasionally, during the testing phase of the above process, people will find that all their inlets have reduced suction pressure. This usually means that the clog is not within the system itself but rather just the hose section. 

Gently squeeze your way down the length of the hose, feeling for a hard area or blockage. Once found, try mechanically shifting it from the outside. If this does not release the blockage, consider getting a slender tool to push it out of the way from inside the hose. Good options include a coat hanger or plumbers snake.

The Persistent Clog

Finally, if the clog is not in a particular area of your system, it may be time for this solution. In this scenario, you use the power of reverse suction with another vacuum. Pull the offending clog from the opposite direction and see it quickly stop being a problem.

Easy, Efficient and Effective Vacuum Repair in Calgary

Still having trouble? Don’t worry about it! Give us a call or come visit us in-store today so we can assist with all your Calgary vacuum repair needs. We’ll get your central vacuum back into tip-top shape. We look forward to assisting you soon. 

At The Vacuum District, we are dedicated to bringing you the best products to clean your home, and our professionals will do their best to do any repairs and recommend the best products! Contact us today at (403) 454-4822 or send an email to [email protected]